Welcome to our Digital Platform

This new Merck Animal Health Poultry initiative adds to our mission of ‘Delivering Inventive solutions for productive health’ and helping our customers to enhance their Poultry Performance.

The Digital Platform was developed with the main objective to help our customers to optimize Poultry Performance throughout the entire 365 days of the year, delivered through an easy-to-use series of “Evaluation Tools” based on guidelines and observations that allow our colleagues and customers to check and assess the quality and status of vaccination in poultry flocks.

The value-add Evaluation Tools will guide the user through specific and direct questions related to: vaccination process, chick quality, animal welfare as well as sanitary status of poultry operations.

All data collected in this application through the different evaluations can be easily translated into an Executive Report including data graphics to helping our customers visualize their results and obtain indications of potential areas for improvement.

Dream it. Achieve it. Together.